What a week! Day of Dialog was a great start with Karin Slaughter, John Lithgow, a host of excellent panel speakers and amazing librarians. Then BEA with more amazing librarians, Read-alike talks and Book Buzzes. It all left me with a surreal feeling: my job is to read books, talk about them to librarians, and hopefully get them as excited as I am about some of them! Seriously...that is for real what I do for a living. How lucky can a girl get?? Ok, enough babbling...enjoy your long weekends, lovelies!
Tweets ahoy!
* ALALibrary Every Child Ready to Read | http://ow.ly/52Ivh New website now available!
* PublishersWkly BEA 2011: Hitting the Floor Running http://bit.ly/kqhkKx
* TheLiB 18 Usability Resources for Librarians: bit.ly/mlFswz
* LibraryJournal At BEA, librarians have some kind words for HarperCollins http://bit.ly/lap89I Panel discusses challenges of ebooks
* ALALibrary RT @copyrightclear: NYTimes: E-Business Is the Buzz at Book Fair http://nyti.ms/l3vB2Y
* LesaHolstine Why Don't More Authors and Publishers "Get" Libraries? - http://loudpoet.com/2011/05/25/why-dont-more-authors-and-publishers-get-libraries/
* ShelfAwareness In today's issue: Lots more from #BEA11--the big books, news, photos, panels & more http://bit.ly/iCtPsM
* MacmillanLib No question there. none. zero. RT @penguinlibrary: @Macmillanlib: Nancy Pearl and librarians ROCK. (editor’s note: word!)
* MLAoffice Couraud: "It's very good news for the library community" http://bit.ly/jK4LTV via @HeraldPalladium #advocacy